The State Media Company’s logo incorporates the state tree, the Palmetto, chosen when the company was founded, as a symbol of the commitment to the state of South Carolina. That commitment is upheld by The State’s determined news coverage across multiple delivery platforms that reach a broad audience. The newspaper’s strength is its outstanding journalism covering local news, state, and local politics and an expanded focus on the University of South Carolina athletics through the GoGamecocks.com website, mobile app, and the GoGamecocks print magazine. Located in the capital city of Columbia, The State's daily politics report, SCPolitics.com, is dedicated to watchdog journalism and keeping the community informed. Columbia is an inviting, fun, growing, and affordable place to live. Nearly 40 percent of the population in Columbia is between 18 and 40 years old, contributing to a young and vibrant culture. GoColumbia invites The State’s readers to learn where to eat, drink, and go in Columbia in a GoColumbia special section published on Thursdays, a GoColumbia page in the daily paper, and a website, GoColumbia.com.
In 2020, McClatchy transitioned to private ownership when it was acquired by Chatham Asset Management. The Chatham acquisition marked the beginning of a new era of opportunity for McClatchy, strengthening the Company's financial position and enabling it to build on its 150-plus year history of independent, community-focused journalism by investing in local newsrooms.

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